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How does Quality of Water effect Hair

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So, you have tried every other pill to shampoo and conditioner to stop the hair fall. Maybe you need to check the water quality. The hair loss is a common issue and there are different reasons for that. One of them is the quality of water which we have explained in this guide for your […]

Frequent Concerns towards Hair Transplant

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We all are familiar with the fact that hair transplant involves the relocation of the hair follicles resistant to hair fall from the back of the head (donor area)to the balding areas on top of the head(recipient area). This process offers permanent results as the hair follicles on the donor area (usually the back of […]

5 Reasons to Choose Hair Transplant

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Hair transplant is one of the best treatments to treat hair loss conditions in both men and women. This is a type of cosmetic surgical procedure, which always give you better results as per your hair loss condition and desires. To get this treatment, you have to find the best and experienced surgeon. Men and […]

What can cause hair loss in a child?

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With age hair loss is a very common problem but if you start noticing the problem in a child then you might get worried. Well, there are different reasons which can trigger the issue of hair loss in a child. We are going to share the main causes that a child suffers from hair loss. […]

How does Menopause Effect Hair Loss

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Menopause is an inevitable event that every woman experiences in her lifetime. Whereas it is a natural process of every woman’s life, it can have quite a few repercussions on your health and hair. It usually happens when the woman achieves the age of 51. Some women may experience it as early as 45 while […]

Are Hair Regrowth Serums Helpful?

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Hair loss is common among a majority of men and women. It calls for a solution to the common problem. One finds that the market is full of products that claim to revive your hair growth. You will come across many oils, shampoos, cosmetics, and serums that claim to arrest your hair loss and grant […]

Everything about Low Testosterone and Gynecomastia

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Gynecomastia condition occurs in men due to low testosterone which results in enlarged breasts. It is a hormone that occurs naturally and helps in developing male physical features along with affects mood and sex drive. Read the given topic, to know about gynecomastia and testosterone. Low Testosterone Level Testosterone is a type of hormone which […]

Everything You Must know about hair implants

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Hair problems are too common these days, you may also suffer from certain hair problems such as hair loss or thinning as well. In this case, you need to visit the specialist to get the best treatment. You may need to undergo the hair transplant surgical procedure. Hair implants are additionally known as hair transplant […]

क्यों करवाया Rohit Shetty ने हेयर ट्रांसप्लांट

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Hair transplant is the only solution to get rid of excessive hair fall. Most of the celebrities took this surgical treatment in life to improve their look. This treatment offers you many benefits over other hair fall treatment options. To know about the hair transplantation benefits, you must read this article. Hair loss is experienced […]

Everything about male breast reduction that you must know

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Male breasts can often be a source of embarrassment for men. However, there are solutions to this problem. You can regain a natural-looking and masculine chest with male breast reduction. Medical technology has advanced so much that gynecomastia surgery can reverse the embarrassing traits of gynecomastia. Gynecomastia It is a condition in which the male […]

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