hair loss

6 Simple and Effective Yoga Asana Can help you Tackle with Hair Loss

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Having a head full of shiny , long and flowing hair is the dream of every female but there are hardly a handful of women that can live this dream, as there are many factors physical, medical, mental and environmental that lead to hair fall and can turn the dream of every woman into the […]

The Celiac Disease & Hair Damage/ Hair Loss

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Most of us hardly know why we lose hair and this can cultivate a lot of stress when it comes to treating it. The commonest reasons as to why millions lose hair are known to be the excess DHT hormone, strict diet, prolonged stress, ageing, medications, harsh styling methods among others. Findings also confirm that […]

Those Muscle Building Supplements Could Be Eroding What You Love the Most!

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If we are to look at the statistics of men who are currently more concerned about their physical appearance, this could automatically prove a competition between them and the women. What most of us hear about are protein supplements that many men of all age groups take to build muscles while attending their gym programs. […]

Is Hair Donation For a Hair Transplant Possible?

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The world of medicine, science, and technology is definitely a boom in the modern world. Take a look at the AI’s (Artificial intelligence) amazing applications and you will wonder what the future holds for us all. However, such technology advancements come with their negative and positive sides. For decades, organ transplants have been conducted around […]

8 Best Foods to Prevent & Control Hair Fall

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Hair in women or males is a natural gift that completes beauty. In some, it is a source of pride, whereas, in others, it is a fortune that can’t be traded. Either way, it is easier to fall prey to hair fall that can even culminate into baldness, but hey, before it attacks you, here […]

Males Who Lose their hair as early as 30 could be less Fertile- Research Shows

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As research indicates that females with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) commonly suffer from hair loss, so are the new findings that relate male hair loss to low sperm count. Androgenetic Alopecia is the commonest form of hair loss, that culminates into baldness. This type of hair loss affects 80% of male victims and it mainly […]

How Smoking Increase The Hair Loss Problem?

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Hairs are the important elements of the human body. Without hair, human personality is just like a zero number. Smoking is the bad habit and it is the very harmful for the body as well as for the hairs. If you don’t quit the smoking, then it is the essential condition to consult the best […]

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