How to get the ideal hair density with a hair transplant?

How to get the ideal hair density with a hair transplant?

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We have already discussed the significance of hair transplants for hair loss patients. In this post, we will throw light on the density of hair transplant surgery. Usually, surgeons can achieve a density of 30-40 follicular units/square cm. This is considered to be the ideal density. However, if the patient demands a high-density hair transplant, then   60-70 follicular units/square cm can be provided, which assures you of high viability rates. 

The procedure for High-density hair transplants

Usually, the FUT technique is employed for high-density hair transplants as it is successful in procuring a large number of hair grafts in a single session. It is performed with the linear incision followed by the extraction of the hair grafts and suturing of the wounded areas. A strip containing several grafts is extracted and then it is dissected by hair transplant technicians. This step is followed by the placement of the dissected grafts in the donor area of the scalp which has scarce hair growth. The hair transplant surgery must be carried out in a hygienic and safe environment and follow the recommended standard guidelines. The surgeon should take care that local anesthesia is used and minimum discomfort is caused to the patient.

The use of Magnifications 

High magnifications are used to help the surgeon obtain maximum possible grafts which are viable for the hair transplant surgeries. The magnifications are done when the dissection process is carried out to pick out the maximum number of grafts in one session. Generally, German microscopes are used as they offer the magnifications of 20 x and 40x for dissecting a single graft. It helps in magnifying the size of grafts to 20 and 40-times 

Which grafts are considered favourable for the high-density Hair Transplants?

The surgeons prefer thick grafts for the high-density hair restoration. The magnification process helps in identifying suitable hair grafts before the dissection process. The thick grafts are considered more suitable for covering the bald areas with aesthetically pleasing results.

What are the mandatory requirements for High-density Hair Transplants?

First of all, a healthy donor area is required. The donor area must not be affected by any autoimmune disorder or infection. The FUE technique may be used but a combination of the FUE and FUT is highly recommended for this kind of transplants.

Of course, picking up a  well-known and experienced surgeon is just as necessary. So conduct thorough research before settling down on the final choice.

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